600 Monsters

I know it's been a while since I've posted lately. I've been trying my best to only be on the computer while my youngest is nursing and all of my other free time while the boys are sleeping has been used up knitting. I've had a lot of projects on my needles lately but this post is going to focus on 2.

In December when the news got to me about the school shooting in Newtown I was deeply saddened. Having 2 boys of my own now really makes news like this hurt even more. I can't help but think of how I would feel if that had happened to one of my boys. I can't stand the thought of losing them.

Shortly after I read about a group on Ravelry, 600 Monsters Strong, whose members were knitting up monsters to send to the students at the elementary. I decided to join to see if I could help out. Since joining I've learned that the moderators plan to send these monsters to children that have been affected by violence, not just the Newtown students. The community in Newtown has had such an outpouring that they have placed a hold on donated toys for now. Either way, these toys will be going to a child who will need extra comforting. It definitely won't heal all their physical and mental wounds but hopefully it will help comfort them as they heal.

Since joining I have knitted up 2 monsters: Jewel and Percy. You can see more pictures of them on my Ravelry project pages. I'm planning on getting them sent out this weekend.

If you'd like to help (and they do accept knitted, crochet, or sewn monsters) check out their Ravelry page linked above or their Facebook page to get details on the few requirements they ask you to follow.


  1. so cuteeee!

    lovely blog..

    I'm following you now.. follow back if you like mine!

    Greetings and welcome!




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